Hello and Welcome أهلا ومرحبا

Welcome to as close of a visual representation of me, or as close as we can get. I’m currently a sophomore student at Stanford University pursuing a B.S. in Design under the UI/UX track.

Growing up in the Middle East amidst the vibrant culture and incredible beauty that surrounded me has continuously propelled me to explore beyond conventional design boundaries, equipping me with a unique perspective in the realm of design. My love for design has always been prominent through my love of the arts and almost any hands-on problem or project put in-front of me; from fixing my moms necklaces with my invaluable blue wrench to designing prototypes for potential apps.

Aside from designing, creating and brainstorming, I love running, exploring the world around me and testing the boundaries of my taste pallets.

More about me in real time

My Design Ethos